Our Focus

We help children, families, and communities break the cycle of poverty by empowering people of all ages to dream, aspire and achieve.

We invite volunteers who can donate their funds, time, and skills to create a better life for others in need in the community.

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Our Programs

Education & Creativity

Educating children today with useful knowledge and skillsets allowing them to have more options in life and have a brighter future.

Having balance of academic education and creativity helps children to be innovative and also improves their emotional & social skills.

We are committed to assisting children and youth to develop their skillsets in various areas of tech-enabled solutions and creativity.

Our Programs

Physical &
Mental Fitness

Participation in Sports & Group Fitness activities has tremendous benefits for the physical and emotional health.

Regular physical activity and participation in sports are associated with lower rates of obesity, greater bone density, increased cardiovascular fitness, improve coordination, and improve social & personal skills. including mental health.

Mental health can also be improved by meditation and several kind of mind exercises.

We provide several sports programs for the children and youth, as well as programs to help individuals to overcome their emotional trauma.

Our Programs

Support for Community

We help individuals in need to experience FREE programs to develop their knowledge, skills & ability and reach their full potential.

Other than developing knowledge & skills, we also accept clothing & toys donations and then distribute them to the ones who may not currently have the resources to obtain the clothes & toys. 


Each and every year, we carry out various programs for the community, involving people of every age, interest and need.

Education & Creativity Programs

Education & Creativity Programs

Physical & Mental Fitness Programs

Physical & Mental Fitness Programs

Support for Community Programs

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