HoKC believes that everyone deserves to get the opportunity to upgrade knowledge & skills in their lives.

We continue to work to provide affordable classes & events to encourage

as many people as possible in our community to learn new knowledge & skills.

A huge THANK YOU to EVERYONE who has donated their funds, time, talents, skills, and resources

to make these affordable classes & events possible.
By joining forces,
we are able to improve the life quality of others in need in the community.


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All proceeds are used to support HoKC Youth Development Programs for children & youth in need in the community.

Your Support Makes The World A Better Place

We are a community association, who are passionate to assist youth in building their creativities and confidence to create a bright future and contribute to their communities.
We provide consultation, tutoring, and coaching services for building the community's skillsets and mindset, making them ready facing multiple forms of the world's challenges.

We support individuals, especially young people,
to become computer literate and build their own Apps that will be beneficial for themselves and their communities, especially to survive in the current COVID-19 crisis.
It is our goal to help the young people grow into healthy, educated and productive adults.



Making a Difference for Youth
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to help children and youth across the country reach their full potential , so they can fulfill their dreams and life goals.

Making a Difference for Communities
We are building a network of volunteers who are experienced and committed, to tackle the challenges faced by families in the community.
Through research, analysis, consultation and public education, our mission is to improve the life quality of families and community.

Together, we are a community that is dedicated to supporting each other for a better and healthier life.

Our Focus

We help children, families, and communities break the cycle of poverty by empowering people of all ages to dream, aspire and achieve.

Education & Creativity

Educating children today with useful knowledge and skillsets allowing them to have more options in life and have a brighter future.

Having balance of academic education and creativity helps children to be innovative and also improves their emotional & social skills.

We are committed to assisting children and youth to develop their skillsets in various areas of tech-enabled solutions and creativity. 

Physical & Mental Fitness

 Participation in Sports & Group Fitness activities has tremendous benefits for the physical, academic, and emotional health of children.

Regular physical activity and participation in sports are associated with lower rates of obesity, greater bone density, increased cardiovascular fitness, improve coordination, and improve social & personal skills, including mental health.

We provide several physical & mental fitness programs for the children and youth.

Support for Community

We help individuals in need to experience FREE programs to develop their knowledge, skills & ability and reach their full potential.

Other than developing knowledge & skills, we also accept clothing & toys donations and then distribute them to the ones who may not currently have the resources to obtain the clothes & toys. 

Take Action

Volunteer your energy, talents and resources to bring inspiration and hope to those who need it. 

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